The Red Delicious apple is aptly named. It’s very sweet, with little acidity. The name has a bit of a history. The apple was originally called a ‘Hawkeye’, but its rights were sold and it was renamed the ‘Stark Delicious’. After the Golden Delicious was discovered, it was renamed ‘Red Delicious’, the name it carries to this day.

Our northerly Southern Georgian Bay Apple Growing District offers an interesting striped version of the Red Delicious. This apple is medium to large, elongated and tapered to the bottom. It has a very dominant bright red to dark red complexion. The taste is sweet, with very little acidity. These apples are best in salads or eaten fresh.


Available from mid-December to late May


Sweet and crisp

  • Fresh
  • Salads
  • Pie
  • Sauce
  • Baking